"Devil's Rodeo"

Title: Better Adversity's Burden, than Beast

The devil and cowboy are from the CD art, with some very minor edits and the additional background added. I find myself making the backgrounds on this sub-series lighter than "Butterbroda" proper...not sure why that is, but I'm sticking to it.

"Devil's Rodeo" is a song title from the album "The Sporting Life" by Diamanda Galás and John Paul Jones (bass, Led Zeppelin). The album was released in the early 90's and was one of my favorites back then and I still listen to it from time to time. The music is comprised of Galás (vocals), Jones (bass), drums and occasional piano and organ. Instrumentally,  the sound is driven by the bass, which sometimes takes on tones of Morphine (circa "Cure for Pain")...I always enjoy when bass takes the forefront. Galás provides uncompromising vocals which morph between the sound of voice and instrument. Give her a listen: